The anti-Defamation League (ADL) does not speak for me

Charles Moscowitz
2 min readSep 6, 2023

The ADL does not represent me as an American Jew

Charles Moscowitz is the author of The Case for JEXIT: An American Jewish Exodus from the Left

#bantheadl is now trending on Twitter X and for good reason. Apparently the anti-Defamation League (ADL) launched a campaign of smear and slander to shut down Twitter X. They are attacking Twitter X for one reason and for one reason only and that is because Elon Musk, the new owner of Twitter X, has come out in favor of free speech. Musk now threatens to sue them and I hope he puts them out of business.

Particularly since former Obama official Jonathan Greenblatt became director, the ADL has become nothing more than their enforcement arm of the Democratic Party. They smear at will any person or group as an anti-Semite who threatens the Democrats and their leftist agenda. Anyone who merely disagrees with a leftist cause now runs the risk of being attacked with this charge which could ruin their reputation, their ability to make a living, and even their life. them. The ADL has weaponized the term anti-Semitism and, in the process, they have virtually ignored the true anti-Semites, the left-wing “squad” in Congress and radical Islamists who actually threaten Jews and the State of Israel.

They have attacked pro-life activists, opponents of the transexual agenda which calls for neutering children, those who oppose divisive and racist critical theory, those who support the police, and those who oppose open borders. There are millions of Jews who don’t agree with the ADL’s advocacy and yet they imply that they speak for Jews.

They do not speak for me as an American Jew and I hope others of my faith will find the courage of their conviction to join me in this statement.

The ADL also does not speak for Judaism as their views do not comport with the Mosaic Covenant or the Talmud. I would guess that most of their core supporters are probably atheists and they could certainly be described as Socialists. I would argue that those two principles contradict Jewish values.

The ADL claims that they are against anti-Semitism and yet they create anti-Semitism and fan the flames of anti-Semitism. They have done do since their shady founding where they defended convicted murderer and and rapist Leo Frank in Atlanta by injecting anti-Semitism into a case where it did not exist.

The ADL has become nothing more than a hate group.

Charles Moscowitz is the author of The Case for JEXIT: An American Jewish Exodus from the Left



Charles Moscowitz

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