Justice Department going Full Nazi
Trump trade advisor Peter Navarro has been arrested, put in handcuffs and leg irons as he was about to board a plane, for not cooperating with the illegitimate House January 6th Committee. The sham committee, which is reminiscent of the brownshirts headed up by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, who arranged for a Swat Team to drag Roger Stone, a harmless old man out of his bed in the wee hours of the morning to parade him before CNN cameras set up on his front lawn, is now engaging in the same Nazi like tactics and histrionics.
With Mueller, the prosecuting of the innocent was related to trying to prove this crazy conspiracy theory that they were pushing at the time, that Vladimir Putin had coordinated with, or had “colluded” with Donald Trump to steal the 2016 election. That taxpayer funded sham, with the mockingbird media running with every rumor or tidbit leaked by the Mueller gang, distracted our elected government, the Trump Administration, for the better part of his term in office.
In a sense, what they are doing now with the sham congressional committee, who has no member chosen by the minority party to add balance and to insure that the committee doesn’t become a political kangaroo court, is worse because they are indicting citizens who were exercising their constitutional rights regarding the January 6th ratifying assembly.
The attempt to challenge the delegations of 7 states on the ratifying assembly that is held on the January 6th following the presidential election every four years is not only constitutionally sound but variations of this congressional procedure has been conducted during several previous elections going back to the 1801 assembly that elected Thomas Jefferson as President of the United States.
Only in a Fascist country are officials accused of crimes when they perform acts that are legal and constitutional. Indeed, those challenges would have offered the opportunity for the American people to hear, first hand, any evidence that the election was stolen in the states that were formally requesting such challenges.
Unfortunately, the January 6th proceedings were interrupted by the rioters who were involved in a situation that calls out for a legitimate bi-partisan investigation, the very thing that the fraudulent January 6th Committee was set up to avoid.
Charles Moscowitz is the author of The Biden Coup: The Socio-Political effects of an Illegitimate Regime. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09ZDHXKXJ