
Charles Moscowitz
2 min readJan 6, 2022

Yes…there was an insurrection on January 6th 2021. Actually…there was a coup against the Trump Administration on January 6th.

On that day, Congress was scheduled to perform the same constitutional function that they have performed every four years since 1790. On that they, Congress certifies the respective delegations from each of the states as a means to declare the candidate who had the necessary number of delegates to be elected as President of the United States.

During that assembly, the states have an opportunity to contest the seating of their delegations. This has happened numerous times in American history, most recently in 2004 when the Ohio delegation for George W. Bush was challenged and hearings were held. Three times, 1801, 1825, and 1877, contestations led to no candidate receiving enough delegates to be elected and the election was taken up by a special session of Congress as each state legislature would send one delegate who would vote for president.

On January 6, 2021, six States were contesting their delegations. Alternative delegations, opposed to the seating of the Biden delegations that certified by Governors, had the necessary signatures that would trigger hearings that could last up to 2 hours. Those hearings were to be televised which meant that the whole country could at last hear evidence as to whether or not there was sufficient evidence of voter fraud to warrant decertification.

Just as Arizona, the first state on the list of contested states began their hearing, just as the alternative delegation began to roll out their evidence on national television, the Capitol Police ushered into the chamber the so-called QAnon Shaman and a bunch of other motley looking protesters.

The result was that the hearings and the assembly was stopped. They then reconvened in darkness, after midnight, where they gaveled Biden onto the presidency without hearings and with no media.

This was the insurrection.



Charles Moscowitz

Author and podcaster Charles Moscowitz streams live Monday -Friday 3 PM ET.