Fascist takeover of the United States

Charles Moscowitz is the author of the new book God is God: God is the Creator and Law-GiverLink to YouTube interview

The declaration by 3 major media outlets of Biden as the winner and as the “President-Elect” reminds me of when conspirators seize the radio station and the major means of communication as part of a Fascist coup. Once they control the microphone, they proceed to announce the new government and their well placed minions then come out of the woodwork and into the open where they seize the other and various levers of power. Soon the conspirators reach a position of critical mass and there is no turning back.

The consolidation is followed by an enemies list which may include anyone who supported the previous government. Anyone unfortunate enough to make the list is then targeted and neutralized. Meanwhile, the new regime, in control of the media, methodically installs their own loyalists into positions of power.

The present junta is having no problem carrying this out as they already control enough local satrapies, with their own home-made dictators in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and elsewhere, who are in full control of their subjects and their votes. The subservient media plays along by covering up their crimes. The propaganda organ continues to spew the lie, one that has already proven to be so successful, which is the blind and servile hatred of Donald Trump who is vilified, denounced, and airbrushed out of the public consciousness.

This is what Fascism looks like.



Charles Moscowitz

Author and podcaster Charles Moscowitz streams live Monday -Friday 3 PM ET. charlesmoscowitz.com